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Opportunity for BA, BCA, B.A-Fine Arts, MA, BFA in Digital Art, Graphics Designing, Web Designing

Here is a training opportunity for graduates and postgraduates like B.A., MA, B.A. (Fine Arts), B.F.A. to join professional certification programs for developing their skills and make themselves ready for profession and work place. We have world class training programs which make you employment ready and your own country as well as abroad. You can go for self-employment, business, entrepreneurship or even work as freelancer.
Certified Professional Training Program in Digital Art, Computer Graphics, Web Designing-
(Job oriented courses in digital art, computer graphics and web designing)
• Certified Professional Web Engineer
• Certified Professional Web Master
• Certified Professional Web Page Developer
• Certified Professional Digital Artist
• Certified Computer Graphics Professional
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  • Location: Indianapolis, IN
  • Posted: 3232 days ago
  • Website:

Ad ID: 3233867
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