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Online trainersHub provides the best SAP BO online training

OnlineTrainersHub offers the best interactive real time training with one of the best trainers of IT industry. We provide purely a job oriented training based on real time scenarios. OnlineTrainersHub is a center of well experienced trainers with real time experience in online training is committed towards producing extreme quality of online training. OnlineTrainersHub enable convenience to the learners worldwide by providing fast track classes. Learners in busy schedules can go for the short term course to complete the SAP BO training in a short period with extended hours of training.
SAP BO (Business Objects) is a set of front end applications to allow business users to view, sort and analyze the Business Intelligence data. The suite comprises the following key applications such as:
Crystal Reports: Allow users to design and generate reports
Dashboards: Allow users to generate interactive dashboards that include charts and graphs to envisage the data
Web Intelligence: Provides a self-service situation for creating ad hoc queries and analysis of data both offline and online
Explorer: Allows users to search through Business Intelligence data sources using an interface like iTunes. Users do not have to create queries to search the data and results are shown with a chart that indicates the best information match. Get trained by best trainer and working professional on real time scenarios and face challenges of future IT industry. SAP BO course curriculum extended with the best services to develop skills and knowledge to master Business Intelligence techniques.
SAP BO course trainer
10+ years of experience in IT
6+ years of experience in Data Warehousing
Trained more than 120 batches
SAP BO course outline:
Architectural overview
Universe Design
Web Intelligence
Crystal Reports
Dashboard builder
Desktop Intelligence
Security Implementation
Business View Manager
SAP WEBI/ Dashboard Reporting
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  • Location: Belleville, IL
  • Posted: 3429 days ago

Ad ID: 3263183
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