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3d Graphics Online Training UK, USA, India | Ecorptrainings

Lesson 1: Introduction
Motivation and a trip down the graphics pipeline, laying out the fundamental processes
Lesson 2: Points, Vectors, and Meshes
The basics of 3D geometry definition
Lesson 3: Colors and Materials
Color representation, material computations, transparency
Lesson 4: Transforms
Translation, scale, rotate and how to properly combine all these
Lesson 5: Matrices
Transform representation and how to fully control these
Lesson 6: Lights
Directional and point light sources
Lesson 7: Cameras
How the camera is defined
Lesson 8: Textures and Reflections
Color and opacity textures, along with reflection and normal mapping
Lesson 9: Shader Programming
An introduction to programming vertex and pixel shaders
Lesson 10: Interaction and Animation
How to select and make objects move

With Best Regards,
Training Coordinator.
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