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Physical Therapy in Chicago

Physical Therapy

The Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Centers provides complete physical therapy and rehabilitation services delivered by licensed physical therapists and physical therapy assistants. Our therapists work together with our orthopaedic surgeons to provide excellent health care services to patients of all ages and health conditions.

What does the process entail?

After your orthopaedic surgeon evaluates your injury or condition he or she may refer you for physical therapy. This initiates the process.

The first step in physical therapy is the Initial Evaluation. This includes a thorough examination. Your physical therapist will obtain a patient history, performing relevant systems reviews, and selecting and administering specific tests and measurements.

Your physical therapist then performs an evaluation, making clinical judgments based on the information obtained during the examination.

Many orthopaedic conditions are best treated without surgery and our physical therapists provide excellent non-operative care. Our therapists utilize our fully equipped physical therapy department to provide accelerated physical therapy protocols for many conditions such as joint replacement and sports related injuries. As a patient at the Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Centers you will find that your wellbeing comes first and that we are all dedicated to restoring your function as quickly as possible.

Initial Evaluation

During the examination, the physical therapist performs tests and measurements that provide information about the status of the musculoskeletal, neurological, pulmonary and cardiovascular systems, and the individual's functional independence. Listed below are examples of types of examinations that a physical therapist might administer.

Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Centers, S.C.
Address: 5616 N. Western Avenue , 60659
Chicago, Illinois
Telephone: (773) 878-6233
Fax: (773) 878-2688
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